
  • 3 Things That You Should Know About Your Heater To Keep It Working Efficiently

    Being able to use the heater in your home allows you to be able to be comfortable even in the coldest of temperatures. Living in a cold house can put limits on yourself since you will want to keep yourself trapped underneath a blanket and warm clothes all day. In order to live a bit more comfortably in your own home, you want to be sure that you are able to use your heater and always keep it working efficiently. [Read More]

  • Do You Have MS? 3 Tips On Staying Cool This Summer

    If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), heat can cause symptoms to make your MS temporarily worsen. Even though you cannot get out of the heat completely, there are things you can do to help yourself stay cool this summer. Free AC Unit Contact the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in your area to see if you qualify for a free air conditioning unit. This does depend on where you live. If you get approved for one, they will install it in your home for you. [Read More]

  • Summertime Energy-Saving Tips

    If you use air conditioning in the summertime to help keep your home cool, you may notice a substantial increase in your electricity bill during the months you rely on it. There are several ways to maximize the efficiency of your air conditioning so you can still enjoy the cool air without spending top dollar to be comfortable. Here are some tips to give a try. Perform Routine Maintenance Taking care of your air conditioning unit yearly will make a difference in the performance it provides. [Read More]

  • How HVAC Zone Systems Work and the Benefits They Offer

    One of the hardest parts of heating and cooling a house is achieving a comfortable temperature in every room of your house. This can be hard with single-story homes, but it is even harder with two-story homes, unless you have a zoned HVAC system. A zoned system has multiple thermostats, which allows you to have more control over the temperature in your entire home. How Do Zones Work? When a zoned HVAC system is set up in a new home, the contractor will install dampers inside the ducts used to supply the cooled or heated air to the rooms. [Read More]

  • 2 Major Cooling Issues That Can Stem From Improper Air Conditioner Installation

    Buying a new central air conditioner for your home is a costly endeavor and you might be tempted to save some money by hiring the cheapest air conditioning repair and installation company in your area. After all, you will be able to tell before the tech leaves if the unit is cooling the air so you will know the job was done correctly. Unfortunately, a momentarily working unit doesn't mean the entire system was installed correctly. [Read More]