Don't Let An Air Conditioning Repair Scare You

Posted on: 31 January 2022

A lot of people think the only thing they have to worry about with their HVAC system is how much it's going to cost to repair or replace the system, but a major concern should be common issues and how you can prevent them. If your AC stops blowing cold air, you're probably worried about the repairs that need to be done. The following guide to common AC problems and their repairs could help you:

Symptoms of a Bad Compressor

If the compressor is bad, you'll notice that it takes a lot longer than usual for your home to get cool. The AC will kick on, but it takes a couple of minutes before you notice anything happening. The same goes for when you shut off the thermostat – it takes a couple of minutes for the temperature in your home to drop after you turn off the thermostat.

When an AC unit has a problem, it's very common for there to be temperature fluctuations from room to room in your home. One room might be really cold, while another is too warm. This can also be caused by loose ducting or improper installation of the unit.

Signs of Power and Electrical AC Problems

Power or electrical problems are some of the most common issues with AC systems that people deal with on their own. There is a simple test that can help you diagnose the issue and fix it before it becomes major. This will ensure that your AC never fails again.

If your AC has trouble turning on, this might be because of a simple power issue. You want to start by checking to make sure there are not any overloaded circuits. If everything looks OK, turn the breaker off and wait a few minutes before turning it back on again.

Airflow Issues and Blocked AC Coils 

Airflow issues are caused by problems with the air conditioning system. The air coming into the home will not be cold, which makes it uncomfortable for occupants. Airflow issues can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Blocked AC coils – When the outside unit's AC coils are dirty, they can block airflow and cause your system to work harder. This causes an increase in energy use, which leads to higher utility bills.
  • Leaky ducts – If your air ducts have holes, you may be leaking cold air and wasting energy. If you're not using your air conditioning system, it could lead to airflow issues if your ducts have leaks or cracks.
  • Outside unit malfunctions – If your outside unit is broken, it won't be able to cool your home properly, so you may notice airflow issues when your AC is running.
  • Blower motor malfunctions – If the blower motor has failed, you may notice that the air coming out of your registers isn't very cold. Your blower motor helps force cold air from the outside unit into the vents in your home.

If you're experiencing airflow problems, you should have your system checked out by a repair technician. 

When you have some of these issues with your AC, contact an air conditioning repair service to get the help you need. 
