How To Get Your House Ready For Fall And Winter
Posted on: 12 July 2018
Although it may seem like the makeup and sunscreen is going to melt off of your face in this hot summer heat, colder months are right around the corner. With your AC unit blasting cool air on repeat, you may not be thinking about how you can get your home ready for the cooler weather. Luckily, this article has a few ideas that will help you.
Heating Repair
You should have your furnace inspected and serviced every year before you turn it on for the fall and winter. By simply calling a heating repair company they can come do a quick inspection and tune-up to make sure that it will last you the entire season and that you won't be caught with a house full of frostbite. Additionally, a heating repair technician can also do simple maintenance tasks on your furnace like repairing the filter and turning on the pilot light if it goes out for some reason.
Get Your Lawn Ready
You won't need to turn off your sprinklers until the beginning or middle of fall depending on the area of the country that you live in. To get your yard ready, you will have to blow your sprinklers out so that they don't freeze in the winter, cut back your flowers, mow your lawn one final time, and get rid of any annual plants that won't make it through the season. By getting your yard properly ready, you can make sure that when spring comes that things are in good working order.
Seal Your Windows and Doors
Even if you live in a brand-new house that has energy-efficient windows and doors, it's still easy for really cold air to seep in through the cracks around them and leave your house feeling colder than it should. Try going to your local home improvement store and picking up some weather stripping. Weather stripping will help keep everything insulated from the cold weather so that your house stays warm and air doesn't escape or enter.
Yes, it may seem a little pre-emptive to think about how you can get your house ready for the colder months, but they will be here before you realize. And even though you shouldn't do these things now, adding them to your personal radar is a great way to make sure that you don't miss a beat and that everything stays working well.